March 2006

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Thoughts and Notes from President Bob Fewell

First of all, Julie and I would like to thank the club and particularly those individuals responsible, for the cake and the cocker spaniel figurines presented to us at the February agility trials. Although the work we put in to prepare for and hold the agility trials is not performed with any expectation of reward, we truly did appreciate the recognition of our efforts. It was quite a surprise. To the individuals who have been coordinating the recognition of those who have worked long and hard for the club, a special thank you! Your thoughtfulness helps make the task worthwhile.

Second, I wish to recognize those who work week after week fulfilling the objective of our club, “Training People to Train their Dogs”, our instructors. Most of our instructors teach 40 weeks a year, many multiple days each week. And, as you know, none of them are paid. The only rewards they get (outside of seeing their students progress) are green card points, and a free class as compensation. Those apprenticing to start teaching, or assisting a class instructor have only been receiving green card points. It takes a dedicated dog person to commit their time to a class for ten straight weeks. It also takes a huge amount of dedication to commit to three sessions of apprenticing just to become a qualified instructor.

With this in mind, the board has decided to reward those who apprentice for becoming an instructor, or commit to assisting an instructor with a class. At the February board meeting, the following rewards were approved:

Apprentice Instructors – At the completion of each session apprenticing, an apprentice instructor will be able to enroll in one class (for the next session) at one half of the normal member class fee.

Instructor Assistants – At the completion of each session where a member served as an assistant instructor, the assistant will receive a gift certificate for $10 to be used within the club. This certificate would be good for credit towards a class, or for purchases in Leads and Collars.

The board hopes that these small tokens will serve as a “thank you” to our apprentice instructors and assistants. Possibly, they will also serve as a small incentive to start apprenticing as a new instructor, or at least volunteering to assist an instructor that has a large class.

Until next time, Happy training to you…
Bob Fewell[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511722368941{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

TDTC Events

Mar. 10 – General Meeting 7pm
Mar. 13 – Test Week
Mar. 17 – Graduation
Apr. 3 – Classes begin
Apr. 14 – Board Meeting 7pm[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511722847064{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

From the Director of Agility

I wanted to personally thank all of the wonderful volunteers that worked so tirelessly at both our recent UKC and AKC agility trials. From timers to gate stewards to scribes, everyone was prompt, pleasant and most of all, willing to do what it takes to put on a first rate trial. I had both the UKC and AKC judge repeatedly comment to me about how impressed they were with our wonderful workers. I heard many, many positive comments from handlers who were amazed with how smoothly the trials ran. All were most impressed with the number of workers we had. Neither of these trials would have succeeded without your help. KUDO’S to all of you!

In particular, I wanted to thank Tom Kotch and Bill Spens for their work as chief course builders at the AKC trial. You guys ROCK! I heard many, many positive comments from both the judge and handlers alike about how efficient you both were in keeping the courses built and having them ready for the judge.

I also want to thank Meredith Butcher for her awesome work as chief ring steward for our AKC trial. We never once had a shortage of willing workers.

My thanks also to Dovie Ryan, Todd Johnson, Chris Hatchett, Moira Lawson, Bob Fewell, Charles Ree, Patty Kotch, Patty Emmons, Cathy Simon, Maureen Kelly, and all the rest (you know who you are even if I can’t remember at the moment!!) for coming early on Friday to load equipment and staying late on Sunday to clean and put equipment away. We simply could not put on these trials without your help!!

Donna Key
Director of Agility[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][mk_image src=”” image_size=”medium” align=”center”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511722966374{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

AKC Welcomes Rat Terriers

In September of 2004, after more than three years of researching pedigrees, tracing owners, and compiling stud books, the Rat Terrier Club of America submitted for recognition one of the largest pedigree databases ever received by the American Kennel Club. As a result, (and in record time) the board of directors of AKC accepted the Rat Terrier into the AKC FSS program early in 2005. This is the first step in the journey toward full recognition of the Rat Terrier by AKC. Six months later, the AKC board voted to allow the Rat Terrier to compete in AKC companion events (obedience, agility, rally, lure coursing, herding, and earth dog events) effective January of 2006.

Pictured above are the first three “rats” to compete in AKC agility in Oklahoma, and most likely some of the first to compete in AKC agility in the country! All three are members of TDTC. Pictured from left to right are Key’s Eddie Belfour, owned and loved by Donna Key, Shadow, owned and handled by Ramona Stanfield, and Susie, loved and handled by Richard Stanfield. All three competed in our recent AKC agility trial at the fairgrounds. Between the three of them, they took home six first, three second, and one fourth place ribbons at the two day trial! They quickly proved that this wonderful little breed will be one to contend with in performance events in the future! Look out all you border collies and shelties!

None of these guys are new to agility. In UKC agility, Susie has achieved her UGRACH (United Grand Agility Champion-the highest UKC agility title), Shadow recently won his U-AG II title, and Eddie has achieved his UACH title. Both Susie and Eddie are listed among the 2005 UKC All Stars.

Eddie has also achieved all of the novice and open level titles in all six classes of NADAC agility, as well as his Novice and Open Versatility awards.

So, keep an eye on these little guys. There is much more to come for them in the world of AKC agility.

Donna Key[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511716625086{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Meet the Board

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Chris Hatchett

How long have you been a TDTC member? 4 years

Which classes do you teach? Previously taught Beginners Obedience. Currently teaching 3 Intermediate Agility classes (Thursday, 1pm; Saturday, 9am; and Saturday, 10:30am).

Who are your dogs? UCD UGRACH Zoe of Forest Meadows CGC CD AX MXJ— She is a four year old Shetland Sheepdog. Better known at home and at the club as “Zoe the Diva”.
Why do you own the breed you do? I had a sheltie growing up and we have had two in the past 25 years. We had Duchess for 17 years. She was best known as the dog who scored a goal in a soccer game that my son was playing in. She was his dog but became mine when he went away to college and never left my side.

Zoe is the first dog that I have done formal training with and she is even more amazing than Duchess was. Shelties are a very special breed. They are careful, but loyal and loving. They can be a great watchdog and then become that person’s best friend. Sometimes, I think Zoe has eyes in the back of her head. She will do absolutely anything for me. She greets me with excitement whenever I have been gone yet makes me feel guilty for not taking her with me. She constantly lives up to her nickname as the Diva, sleeping on the bed (on the pillows, of course) and just expecting her treats like she deserves everything she gets!

Shelties have little silly things they do, like finding the right spot to sit on the pause table in agility or zooming around the yard like a maniac (which gives her the second name of “Border Collie Wanna Be”). She does actually run more like a border than a sheltie but I don’t consider that a fault. She is a typical sheltie in some ways, but as every sheltie owner knows, there is no such thing as a “typical sheltie”. What they all have in common is their capacity to love and trust and to be loyal. I don’t think I will ever have any other breed.

Titles earned:

Best training advice you ever received: Have Fun with your dog. That’s what it’s all about.

Worst moment in a show: As most of you already know, I wore braces on my knees most of last year and I fell A LOT. The worst time was when Zoe and I were nearing the end of a course. I was trying to beat her to the end of the dog walk (Zoe picks up speed on the dog walk instead of slowing down like most dogs) which is an impossible feat even with good knees. I could feel myself falling and the course was pretty deep in mud. I did the greatest rollover you have ever seen, with mud head to toe. I kept yelling for Zoe to go on to the next jump and complete the course, which she did. (We got a first place on that run). Unfortunately, I was quickly drawing a crowd, looking much worse than I felt, with mud in my hair and all down one side, but the braces picked up the most mud while I was sliding across the course. Zoe was back with me wondering if I was okay, which I was, just totally embarrassed. I don’t think that anyone who saw that fall will ever forget it. Luckily it was in Norman instead of Tulsa, so not as many people saw it as could have. Zoe was amazing going on and then coming back to me and I will never forget it. But I hope to never do that again. I have new knees now.

Best way to get in touch with you: I am at TDTC so much that you wouldn’t have to wait very long to see me, but I am on the computer more often than that. Since I manage the website, I am constantly writing and receiving emails so that would be the easiest way.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][mk_image src=”” image_size=”medium”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511723841535{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]The member-at large keeps the bulletin board posted and manages the club’s website.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511724000673{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Recording Secretary
Gisella Klindera

How long have you been a TDTC member? 9 years

Which classes do you teach?Beginners and Novice I

Who are your dogs?
Baer— GSD (10 years old) – the first dog I ever trained.
Regen—GSD (3 years old) – (pictured)

Why do you own the breed you do? Is there any other?

Titles earned: CD, RN, RA, NAP, NJP, UCD, UAGI, UAGII

Best training advice you ever received: Have fun and allow your dog to have fun.

Worst moment in a show: Baer fouled the ring during my very first Novice A show—not just a pile, but a meandering trail . . . and the judge yelled at us both.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][mk_image src=”” image_size=”medium”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511724139299{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]The recording secretary keeps a record of all meetings of the club and the board.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section bg_color=”#f2f2f2″ sidebar=”sidebar-1″][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511724254408{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

A Special Thank You

When my dog Molly was only about 10 or 11 weeks old, we had been advised to take her out and introduce her to “new sights and sounds”, so we decided to visit Southern Ag one day when they were having a “lab rescue” weekend. We were headed into the store and had to pass by the dogs outside. We had no real intent of stopping and visiting them and Molly was on a leash walking beside us. A female lab jumped out, grabbed Molly by the neck and began shaking her violently. The woman who was handling the dog couldn’t get her to let go of Molly, but finally my husband got her loose. It seemed like several minutes, but I’m sure was only several seconds! Poor Molly, she just wet all over herself and was shaking uncontrollably.

We had enrolled in a puppy class with Marillyn Greenberg and hadn’t yet begun class, but thought we’d drive out to the club to see if someone might be there and have suggestions as to how we should handle what happened. The only person there was Maureen Kelly with her male lab Kevin. She said that what we needed to do was to involve Molly right away with a gentle dog. Maureen stopped what she was doing and took time to allow her dog to calm our Molly down. He was so patient with her terrified attitude. After about 45 minutes to an hour Molly was much better.

I don’t know why the dog at Southern Ag did what she did because we in no way threatened her; we were simply passing by . . . too closely I guess. Anyway Molly seems to have no bad repercussions from it, and I believe it is because of Maureen’s kindness and her dog’s gentleness. I’m sure she won’t remember that, but we will never forget it. I haven’t had an opportunity to interact with her since, but certainly do appreciate her special spirit of helpfulness. I’m not sure we will be able to make her class, but I sure would like to if for no other reason than to thank her.

Glenda Poulos

Editor’s note: Glenda is one of our newest TDTC members. She and Molly are currently in Novice I.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511725513442{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Red Carpet under a Blanket of White

By: Sonja Jo Hahn
TDTC PupReporter and Puparazzi
(and someone with too much time on their hands)

The Tulsa Dog Training Club’s annual *RECS (Recognizing Excellence [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][or persistence] in Canine Sports) Award Banquet was held Saturday, February 18, 2006 at the Forest Ridge Country Club.

The most beautiful, agile, fast, and intelligent were represented by their handlers (the good, the bad, and the ugly).

Those who arrived at six o’clock enjoyed social hour to discuss . . . DUH DOGS!

Jeri Hajek was not able to be with us for the Awards Banquet due to the illness and passing of her father. Heartfelt sympathy goes out to Jeri and her family. Thank you, Jeri, for coordinating another lovely banquet. Also, thank you to Janice Stuckert for doing a great job continuing and completing the arrangements in Jeri’s absence.

Bob Fewell, TDTC President and Award Presenter, put the program on his laptop. The program consisted of two slide shows of the January UKC trial at the TDTC club, put to music, with visual effects, created by yours truly. Although, had I known it was going to be displayed there for all to see, I WOULD HAVE FIXED IT!

Dinner consisted of beef, or chicken, or vegetable noodle main course. The meat entrées came with mixed vegetables, and all entrées came with drink, salad, rolls, and a nice dessert. I had the beef with mushroom gravy, which was good. The fruity/spiced flavor tea however was not for me. I also enjoyed the dinner company at our table. I was pleased to
meet new people, and to see others I hadn’t seen for a few days, or even weeks in some cases.

First, we welcomed the “RAT (Terrier) PACK” to the AKC recognized breed list. (Like Eddie Key NEEDS any more titles. You already have to be good at word search to find his actual name in the middle of all those initials).

*RECS is totally made up by the writer of this article.
I apologize to those I didn’t get a picture of. There were also several who couldn’t make it to the banquet, unfortunately too many for me to remember. Congratulations to all!
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Paw Prints

The deadline for the next newsletter is Friday, April 28th. You may submit articles, pictures, brags, new additions, sympathy notes or any other item you would like to include to me at

Jennifer Simms

Paw Prints Editor


Our January regular meeting was attended by more than 60 TDTC members. The program topic was “Hurricane Katrina—the Aftermath.” Laura Littlebear, a Hospital Manager with VCA Woodland East Animal Hospital presented a slide show of her trip to the disaster area where she and her crew assisted with animal rescue efforts. She shared with us some of the sad stories, as well as the happy endings of pets and owners being reunited.

If you are wondering how you can help, Laura suggested a donation to VCA Charities which has been established to provide further aid for pets affected by Hurricane Katrina. In addition, many of the displaced animals are becoming available for adoption.

Training Committee

Ever wonder who sets the curriculum for your classes? Who decides which classes to offer and when? Who lines up the instructors, apprentices and helpers? These are some of the jobs of the TDTC training committee.

The 2006 training committee members are:

Charles Ree, Jackie Judd, Donna Key, Larry Simpson, Laura Morris, Dovie Ryan, Cathy Simon, Maureen Kelly, Larry Scott

Feel free to contact Charles or any of the other committee members if you have ideas to improve our training program.

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I am happy to report that we have 357 members (single and family membership) who have paid dues for the 2006 year.

Congratulations to Kimberly Graves, who was approved for Regular Membership at our January regular meeting. Kimberly joined TDTC as an associate member in September of 2003. She trains with her golden retriever (Buddy), and is currently chairing our Ways and Means Committee.

I will be publishing an updated roster at the end of this class period.

Sondra Beeby
Membership Chair


TDTC is now listed in the Front & Finish online Club and School Training Directory. See our listing at Go to the “Kibbles & Bits” section, then view the “Clubs & Schools” page. We will also be included in the annual print version of the training directory which is published each December.

Jennifer Simms
Director of Publicity

Ways & Means

The combined profit from the sale of raffle tickets at our January UKC and February AKC agility trials was $526. Thanks to Kimberly Graves for organizing the raffles!


If you haven’t visited the TDTC website recently, you will be amazed at what you’ve been missing. Thanks to the hard work of Chris Hatchett and our outside web consultant, the site provides up-to-date information on what’s happening at TDTC. Here are some of the things you can find:
• History and objectives of TDTC
• Membership requirements and dues
• List and pictures of board members and instructors—
We will accept pictures from any instructor or board member, or you can take your chances with a snapshot from a club member!
• Map and directions to the club
• Description and schedule of classes offered—you can
also check the status of a class to see if there are still
• Downloadable enrollment forms
• Schedule of events and trials
• Old issues of Paw Prints newsletter
• Brag Board—Brags must be updated regularly or they will
be removed from the site (as well as the bulletin boards at the club). No brag will be featured unless updated and with a photo. You can still put in a brag without a photo, it will just be in the general brags and not on the feature page.
• Paw Pals requirements and downloadable forms
• Contact form – you can choose a topic (i.e., membership, puppy class, paw pals, etc.) and your email will be directed to the person responsible for that area.

This is a website we can be proud of—so next time you’re surfing the web, check us out at

UKC Obedience Trial Thank You

Thanks to the following people for helping steward at the January UKC Obedience Trial:

Dovie Ryan, Dorothy Kennedy, Sara Jane Jednacz, Ramona Stanfield, Jennifer Casteel, Donna Gero, Barbara King, Gisella Klindera, JoEllen Corley, Lorna Bell, Mary Green, Alexa Wilson, Laura Morris, Carol West, Sandy Wyman, Jane Tyson, Meredith Butcher, and Bud Smith

I really appreciate all your help and professionalism. Your assistance is a big part of what makes this show run so quickly and easily. Thank you!

Ali Maurer

Chief Obedience Ring Steward

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Something to Brag About

[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511726415384{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]We started year 2005 at Tulsa Dog Training Club with a relatively slow start in agility. Susie and I qualified five out of eight runs. Norman, OK was next, we qualified eight times out of 12 runs, with a “High in Trial”.
In June Susie and I competed in UKC “All Stars in Agility III”. We didn’t qualify, but being there, having Chris and Zoe’s support, and meeting people and dogs from all over the United States was a great experience. On Saturday at the Premier we had two 200’s with a First Place and a Second Place.
In July we went to Springfield, MO. Ramona and Shadow got titles in AGI and AGII. Susie and I qualified ten out of 12 runs with eight 200’s and two 199’s. Susie received her United Grand Agility Champion Title (UGRACH).
In Lawrence, KS, in November was Susie’s best weekend ever. Susie had eight straight 200’s and a “High Combined Award”. We qualified 11 out of 12 runs with ten 200’s and a 198. For the weekend, we had 104 “All Star Points”.
Also, in November, we entered the Agility Show at Companion Dog School. Susie had seven 200’s, a 199 and one 198 out of nine runs. Susie also earned her second “UGRACH Title” and was the first dog at Companion to earn the UGRACH Title. Also, Susie won a ribbon for “High Scoring Dog with a UKC Title”.
In 2005 Susie earned 382 UKC All Star points. She finished in the top 50 in all three: Agility I- – 30th Place, Agility II – 6th Place, Agility III –11th Place. We have been invited to the UKC National Finals this coming June in Kalamazoo, MI.
In April 2005, Susie and I entered NADAC for the first time, didn’t know anything about NADAC but thanks to Donna Key, we had a crash course and finished with three titles. We attended trials in Derby, KS, Guthrie, OK and Shawnee, OK. NADAC is a fun sport and built on speed.
Susie and I participated in UKC Obedience Trials and to date we have two legs for our Utility Title.
Susie and I had a great time and lots of fun in all trials for 2005. We also enjoy our pet therapy visits as a Karing K-9. We will be there in year 2006 and will be joining our friends in the AKC trials for the first time. I want to thank everyone for your concern about Susie regarding her being attacked by another dog while on a morning walk in the neighborhood. She is going to be fine, no trauma, and will be ready for all shows in 2006.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column width=”1/3″][mk_image src=”” image_size=”large”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511726522210{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]First I would like to give a huge shout out to our teacher Chris Hatchett for all the help she has given us in our intermediate agility class. With that help Ali got her AG-1 title along with 3-1st places, 1-2nd place and 1-3rd place in the UKC trials held Jan 28-29th. Ali also got her Novice Agility Title and 2 legs in jumpers with 2-1st place runs and 2-3rd place runs at the AKC trials Feb 4th-5th.

Thanks Chris!

Sue Smith and Ali[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511726482335{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Jackson had a perfect day at the UKC Agility Trial on 1/28/06. He had Clean Runs in all three classes for a total score of 600 and another GRACH Leg! It’s a Triple Q!
That was following his completion of his U-CDX obedience title two weeks prior with a 2nd place and a 3rd place.

He got to enjoy steaks from Outback for his performances!

Tonya Sims

I would like to brag on my bernese mountain dog, Bar-be, on accomplishing her first novice agility preferred title (while she was 5 weeks pregnant, no less).
Carol Minden[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511726672532{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]RICHARD STANDFIELD
Susie (Rat Terrier) TAC/UKC 1/28-29/2006
AG1/Trial 2 AG2/Trial 1 AG2/Trial 2
(HIGH IN AG3/Trial 1 AG3/Trial 2
AG1/Trial 1 AG1/Trial 2 AG2/Trial 1 AG2/Trial 2 AG3/Trial 1 AG3/Trial 2

Shadow (Rat Terrier) TAC/UKC 1/28-29/2006
AG1/Trial 2 AG2/Trial 1 AG2/Trial 2
AG1/Trial 1 AG2/Trial 1 AG2/Trial 2
200 4th 10 195
198 4 191.59

Susie (Rat Terrier) *** TDTC/AKC
Preferred Agility Class/Novice 90 1st leg 1
95 1st leg 2
Preferred JWW/Novice 100 1st leg 1
100 1st leg 2

Shadow (Rat Terrier) *** TDTC/AKC
Preferred Agility Class/Novice 100 4th leg 1
Preferred JWW/Novice 100 2nd leg 1
100 2nd leg 2
***Rat Terriers—recognized for the first time in AKC January 2006)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511726828446{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Annie earns 3 out of 4 first places with perfect scores

(Submitted by Bill & Judy Spens, and we won’t talk about the fourth run)

Saturday February 4th. The day started early with a ride to the Fairgrounds, but not the long ride to Kellyville, only to Tulsa. No matter, the smells are still great and lots of other dogs to check out. I love these days because I always get lots of treats and everyone gets so excited. Lots of energy this morning so out we go out to the horse arena to warm up a little. Smells and more smells; so much to sniff, I should have had more to drink this morning. Now some laps, zoom, zoom, zoom; the wind in my face and dust flying (I guess this means another dreaded bath later). Back into the arena and rest a while. It must be getting close to our turn, out of the crate and on to the lead. Pacing back and forth, what’s the big deal; this is just like at the club only bigger, louder, dirtier and different smells. We’re waiting for our turn and there’s lots of excitement, everyone is clapping and yelling. Now it’s our turn. OK, I’ll sit here behind this jump, but if you start to leave I’m coming too. Then…..were off. Jumps and tires are ok; yea scramble, tunnel and chute; yucky weaves (and no I am not going to go any faster); and the table (I’ll check out underneath later). Down on the table, are you sure (just checking)? I can’t remember the order, but it was over quickly and I guess I did good because now it’s cheese, cheese and more cheese. Now that that’s over I can get a little rest. What! Time to go again? Waiting and pacing just like before. Now on the line and I’ll sit but you’re still not going to walk away and leave me here. GO! Jump, jump, jump, here, there (make up your mind). More jumps, yea tunnel, I know, weave, weave, weave (no big deal). Jump, jump, jump, again and yea another tunnel, more jumps and then it’s over. Hey…. where’s the table? No matter must have done good again; cheese, cheese and more cheese (maybe a little ice cream tonight). A good snooze on the way home and then DINNER!

Sunday February 5th. Hey…. It’s morning already, a little stiff but breakfast is ready. Another ride. I remember this place, great smells. More warm up laps and this time I did drink more so there is much more to do. More great dirt and no bath last night. It’s kind of early to be doing this again but it’s already our turn. Yes, I want you to stand here with me until you’re ready. Here we go….. Lots of jumping and turning (it would be more fun to do it my way). And, yes I’ll weave if you get out of my way. More jumps and yea a tunnel. Go, go, go and yea another tunnel. Jump, turn? Are you sure…. Jump, jump, jump; and then cheese, cheese and a cracker? That was fun but a lot of work and way too early for this stuff. A short rest and we’re out here again? No way, you can’t be serious. Go? Are you sure? Ok. Jump, jump, teeter, jump (I’ll just go around this one, no?), now it’s back and over this time. Jump, jump again then chute or scramble (no question here it’s yea scramble). Jump, tire, weave, yea tunnel, yea dog walk, and table. Hummmm, I wonder what’s under here today. Oops I guess I should have jumped up on it first. Sit, that’s more like it. Then yea chute, jump, tire, weave; no?…. we did it last time. Jump, jump and done. Now it’s cheese, cheese, and more cheese. These trials are fun, but let’s not over do it.

On Saturday these performances resulted in Annie finishing with a perfect score and first place in Open Standards Preferred, and a perfect score and First Place resulting in a new title in Open Jumpers Preferred. On Sunday Annie had a First Place and Perfect Score in Excellent Jumpers Preferred and then decided that was all she wanted to do. Just too much fun.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511727036283{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Retirement Notice

Diamond and I want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the great people at TDTC that took in a psycho Boykin and an owner that had never formally trained in obedience, never heard of agility, and was stumbling through his first bird dog. I gained a wealth of practical knowledge and experiences through our association with TDTC. For those of you that finally convinced me to try Diamond out in the ring – THANKS. I just wish you would have been successful a few years earlier in her career.

The obedience, agility, duck/goose/sandhill/pheasant/crow dog and best friend for the past 11 years has been less active this winter. The vet did not have to explain the recent x-rays. The degenerating hips and bone spurs were immediately obvious. I quickly understood why I had done most of the dog work this season. Diamond has made some changes in her medications and seems to be getting along OK for an old dog. Her hips make too much noise for her to sneak up on anything and she has gotten easy to slip up on. As she naps her day away, I just wanted to say thanks and keep up the good work. Make time to enjoy your dogs – their time with you is a short one.

Thanks to all of you,
Dan Trout and Diamond[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full”][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511655657158{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

In Memoriam

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511727103273{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]On February 1st, TDTC lost a wonderful long time friend. Rosalie Brookshire had been a member and obedience instructor since about 1965. She loved obedience and thought the true fun was in training your dog, freely sharing her love and enthusiasm of the sport with others, putting a great deal of thought and effort into her classes.

Rosalie’s first obedience dog was a Dachshund. She announced to C.K. one day that she was going to take her dog to school. C.K. didn’t know what to think about that, but accompanied her to classes under the race track grandstand at the fairgrounds. Rosalie fell in love with the sport and put titles on a Dachshund, a Golden, Hattie (min Poodle) and Breaker (min Schnauzer). Anyone that was ringside when Hattie got her U.D. will remember Rosalie’s joy. There was a time she was showing in Utility and on the re-call command, Hattie make a little side trip to the Judge’s table where there was a bowl of candy. The U.D. did not come quickly and perhaps that’s why Rosalie believed the fun was in the training. In Rosalie’s class it was not unusual for her to scream at the top of her voice “that is not right!” If you were in her class you paid attention as you knew she was correct. Her last dog was Breaker (min Schnauzer) who Rosalie loved and again spent a great deal of time training.

Rosalie served on the TDTC board and was on many committees. She and Virginia Patterson started the first morning classes at the Fair Grounds many years ago. Rosalie was teaching continually at TDTC until the Winter of 2005. Her influence in the club will be greatly missed.

Lynne Brady, Pat Kinser , Sara Jane Jednacz, Sondra Beeby

Our condolences to Barbara Jeleski on the loss of her mother, Betty Jeleski.

Our deepest sympathy to Jeri Hajek and her family on the passing of her father.

We will also miss Jan Logan’s Bullmastiff, Maggie Mae.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]