TDTC will be having an Agility Course Test (ACT) Event on Sunday, November 3, 2024.
Courses are mainly for Agility Beginners. If you have earned a Leg(s) in Novice Standard or Novice JWW, but with NO AKC TITLE you can still enter. AKC Titles and ribbons are given for the successful completion of two (2) courses in any one class (ACT1, ACT2, ACTJ1, ACTJ2). A “fun-filled” way to introduce you and your dog to a REAL Agility Trial. Volunteering at the Event gives you an introduction to how much it takes to put on an Agility Trial. Start to build handling skills and the many friendships that come with trialing.
Limited to 120 runs. Pre-entries open on September 2, 2024 and close October 18, 2024. Pre-entries $20 per run or $25 per run day of event.