July 2006

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Thoughts and Notes from President Bob Fewell

In the last newsletter I discussed the fence replacement. Now, I would like to thank Larry Scott for doing a great job in coordinating it’s replacement over our break in classes. Also, a great big thanks to both Larry Scott and Charles Ree for fixing two of our air-conditioning units in time for the June 24th and 25th obedience trials. I would hate to think what it would have felt like in the building with only 3 of our 5 A/C units working.

And now a word from our sponsor…

Have you trained a dog to a Novice obedience title? Do you enjoy seeing others succeed as a result of your assistance? If so, then you may have what it takes to become an instructor at TDTC. Join our team of volunteer instructors and gain personal satisfaction in watching your two and four legged students improve their skills in the obedience ring. TDTC is now accepting applications for apprentice obedience instructors. The pay is immeasurable. Training as an instructor and curriculum is provided. You just provide one hour per week. Interested? See Charles Ree.

Additional positions available for those holding at least a Novice obedience title as well as a Novice agility title. Contact Donna Key for more information.

The preceding was an unpaid advertisement for the TDTC instructor apprentice program.

Now back to our regularly scheduled newsletter article…..

The next item I discussed in the last newsletter referred to break-ins of cars in our parking lot. We must be doing a better job of watching the lot and securing items in our cars, since I have heard of no additional thefts. THANK YOU.

Also, a big thank you to Laura Morris for holding a training session for obedience stewards before the June UKC obedience trials. I wish that more could have attended.
One thing that I have learned, is that as president I eventually get to hear about every problem at the club. That may mean receiving multiple phone calls or e-mails each week on issues of varying importance. So I feel that as a gentle reminder, I should address some of the issues that have been brought to my attention.

  1. ALL DOGS should be on leash and under control when entering or leaving the building, or in the walkways.
  2. If you are sitting at one of the tables with your dog, or standing in the walkway with your dog, please remember that they are called walkways for a reason. Keep your dog near you and out of the way so that others can safely pass.
  3. If your dog potties (inside or outside), it’s your job to clean it up.
  4. If you clean up an accident inside, please put the soiled paper towels in a plastic bag and tie it up before putting it in a trash container. The trash is NOT emptied every night, and those trash containers can get rather ripe!
  5. There should ALWAYS be at least one mat inside of both the north and south doors. When setting up an agility course, please leave at least one mat in front of the south door. That door IS used.
  6. The last person to leave the building after classes or events must be a member with a key. Please make sure that ALL lights are off, that ALL doors are locked and barred, and that the alarm is set. If someone else is there when you leave (even if you know them), don’t assume that they have their key with them. ASK! We regularly get calls when someone finds the lights on, doors unlocked, or alarm not set when they arrive. Also, if the alarm is not set at night, guess what? Someone gets a call from the alarm company in the
    middle of the night and has to go over to the club to set the alarm.

Well, we have passed the half way point in 2006, and overall I am pleased with how the club is running. Remember that the club picnic is July 15th in lieu of the July general meeting.

Until next time, Happy training to you…
Bob Fewell[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511715776289{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

TDTC Events

July 15 – Pet First Aid Class 1-5pm
July 15 – TDTC Picnic 6pm
August 11 – Board Meeting 7pm
August 28 – Test week begins
September 1 – Graduation[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511716581743{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

UKC Agility Trials

UKC Agility Trials at TDTC on October 4 and 5. Your chance to get two titles in a weekend or work on ACH points. See you there.

Maureen Kelly
Director of Obedience Trials[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511716236898{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Pet First Aid Class

Hosted by Tulsa Dog Training Club by American Red Cross Instructor: Kim Sykes
Tulsa Dog Training Club is offering a Pet First Aid class.

When: Saturday July 15, 2006
Time: 1-5pm
Cost: $26 per person

This is a 4-hour class including a 111-page illustrated first aid reference book providing quick access to instructions for 50 injuries/illnesses. It also includes practical pet health tips.

Sign-up is at Leads and Collars room and all reservations MUST be prepaid. Make your check payable to: TDTC and please note that it is for the Pet First Aid Class.

Jan Logan
Public Education Chair[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511716385018{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Meet the Breed Event

TDTC will be participating in the AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day with a Meet the Breed event. The event has been posted to the AKC website and to the TDTC website.

What: AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Meet The Breed
When: Saturday, September 16, 2006 10am-2pm
Veterans Park, Elm Street and Veterans Drive, Jenks OK

This is a public education event to bring awareness of the responsibilities of owning a dog. TDTC will offer information that is breed specific, canine competition event info, canine community volunteer work, and children’s education. This event puts TDTC in the public eye. We will have television, radio, and newspaper coverage. The effort is to show Tulsa and the metro area what TDTC is about and what we have to offer them as dog owners.
If you would like to be involved in this significant event please contact one of the committee members.

Jan Logan
TDTC Public Education Chair[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511716625086{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Meet the Board

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Director of Agility
Donna Key

How long have you been a TDTC member? 2 1⁄2 years

Other positions you have held at TDTC: Chairman of Leads/Collars in 2005

If you are an instructor, which classes do you teach? I am just completing my third apprenticeship in beginners obedience. I am hoping to have my own beginners class next session, plus I will be co-teaching with Bob Fewell a new beginners agility class on Thursdays at 6:00 pm starting with the summer session.

Who are your dogs (name and breed)? Eddie—Rat Terrier, Kodi—Papillon, Gizmo—Teacup Poodle, Rudy—Yorkshire Terrier, and our newest “fur kid” Mick—Australian Shepherd (rescue)

Why do you own the breeds you do? I didn’t pick them, they picked me!! Each dog I have except for Kodi, has come into my life through a string of “circumstances” that was not breed specific!! I bought Kodi because I have always wanted a Papillion, plus, at the time I got him, he was to be my AKC agility dog. Rat terriers were not considered a “real breed” by AKC at the time, so they were ineligible to run AKC.

Titles earned: Eddie: AKC – NA, NAJ, OA, OAJ, CGC. UKC – U-CD, UACH. NADAC – NAC, NJC, NGC TN-N, WV-N, TG-N, OAC, OJC, OGC, TN-O, WV-O, TG-O, EAC, EJC,TN-E, WV-E, TG-E, Novice and Open Versatility Awards. Kodi: CGC, two NAJ legs and one U-AG I leg.

Best training advice you ever received: SHUT UP! Seriously, I was constantly blabbing to my dog during a run until I had several instructors tell me to keep my mouth shut! It works, and poor Eddie doesn’t have to listen to so much “white noise” from mom during a run!

Worst moment in a show: Too many to name, usually related to a sudden “brain cramp” when I forget a course right in the middle of a run and I get that “doe in the headlight” look.

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Director of Obedience Trials
Maureen Kelly

How long have you been a TDTC member? Since 1998

Other positions you have held at TDTC: Enrollment, Ways & Means, Trophies, and various Tulsa Agility Club duties

Which classes do you teach? Open, Novice and Rally, this term. Usually an agility class.

Who are your dogs (name and breed)? Three Labrador Retrievers:

    Listed titles) NADAC (All listed titles) TDI CGC)
  • Strider (Topform I’m Stepping Out)

Why do you own the breeds you do? Labs are a very versatile breed, kind of Jack’s of All Trades, so we can participate in a lot of activities together. Our breed standard will preclude a CH MACH, in AKC, but all other champion combinations are open to a good try. I’m Sure Kev will complete his agility championship in UKC and I still have hopes for a UKC OCH with him.


Kevin has also taken three versatility awards at the Labrador Retriever Club national specialty and was the High Performance Lab Dog of the Year in 2002. Wins and Kev are Therapy Dog International certified.

Best training advice you ever received: Be clear and consistent with your commands and watch your body language.

Worst moment in a show: At an agility trial in Texas, I saw Jack misstep on the dogwalk and wince. He blew out his knee, but fortunately he stopped, I carried him off, and surgery gave me another 4 years with him.

Training history: I started obedience training in 1994 with Jack who already had an FC put on him by a pro. I took him to class because he ignored me and I had to pick him up on several occasions from as far as 15 miles away when he’d escape from the house. I just wanted a dog to come when called, and look where it got me.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][mk_image src=”https://tulsadogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/screen-shot-2017-11-26-at-11.17.16-am.png” image_size=”medium”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511717693428{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

New Committee Chairs Named

A big thank you to Mariann Duca for agreeing to chair the Beginners Enrollment Committee starting with the Summer 2006 session.

Thanks also to Sheila Ryan for assuming the position of Paw Pals Coordinator #1, effective immediately.

Paw Prints

The deadline for the next newsletter is Friday, August 25th. You may submit articles, pictures, brags, new additions, sympathy notes, committee reports or any other item you would like to include to me at Jshamas@cox.net. Also remember if you are currently receiving a print version of the newsletter and would prefer to receive the color email version

Jennifer Simms
Paw Prints Editor[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511717836994{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Paw Pals

Please allow myself to introduce myself. My name is Sheila Ryan and I have recently taken over the therapy arm, Paw Pals at TDTC.

It is an honor to have been accepted to coordinate an activity that seems to us humans as just something nice to do, but in reality is more rewarding for the people whose lives our dogs touch and the dogs themselves.

I encourage everyone to spend just one hour a month participating in Paw Pals. There are more people that can use a bit of JOY added to their lives.

Most of the people that we visit have owned a pet at one time, but now are in circumstances that do not allow owning a pet. So, do something nice for someone else and your dog—spend an hour with those who can no longer take care of or own a pet. Your dog will love it and so will you!

To participate you need to have been through Novice I (or earned a CD title) and obtained a Canine Good Citizens Certificate, have 2 instructors recommend your dog for Paw Pals, give me 15 bucks and you can begin your 3 supervised visits with team leaders.

Last, I would like to apologize to anyone who has not heard anything from me. I am in the process of getting things caught back up. Life just gets a little crazy sometimes. I will get with you.

A Canine Good Citizens test was held on 6/10/06. There were 19 purebred dogs and 2 mixed breed dogs, but the most impressive statistic is that every dog that was tested that day passed.

My personal thanks to those of you who volunteered, your help is valuable and appreciated.

Stay Tuned for more to come about this fine branch of the Tulsa Dog Training Club.

Sheila Ryan
Paw Pals Coordinator[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511719666652{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

UKC Trial Thanks

Thanks once again to all the stewards who volunteered to help at the UKC Obedience Show on June 24th and 25th. There were many people who signed up this time who didn’t show up and if it were not for the following people we would really have had a difficult time putting on such a well organized show.

Thanks to: Cynthia Patterson, Patti Emmons, Janis Stuckert, Dianne Ree, Karla Edmonds, Pat Kinser, Charles Ree, Marilyn Greenberg, Linda Hicks, Barbara Delozier, Bill Stuckert, Shirley Johnson, and Jeri Hajek.

EXTRA Special Thank You to these people who volunteered BOTH DAYS!!!! Dovie Ryan, Laura Morris, Mariann Duca, Lorna Bell, Sheila Ryan, and JoEllen Corley.

Thank you also to Laura Morris for hosting a stewards seminar the weekend before the show. As a result of her seminar we had a few first time stewards sign up.

Ali Maurer
Chief Obedience Ring Steward[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511719798322{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Breed Spotlight: Rat Terrier

The Rat Terrier is a true American breed that originated from a mixture of crosses by early immigrants from Europe, using old time Fox Terriers, Old English White Terriers, Manchester Terriers, Bull Terriers, etc., and later crossing with Beagles Whippets, and Italian Greyhounds.

The Rat Terrier was later bred by central and mid western farmers. Their purpose was to hunt, protect and guard the farm against vermin. Rat Terriers have incredibly strong jaws and are known for their quick, agile movements, which enable them to kill rats and other vermin in short order.

During the 1910s and 1920s, the Rat Terrier was one of the most common farm dogs in the United States. Because Kansas Jack Rabbits were plaguing crops, some farmers began breeding their “ratties” to Whippets, Italian Greyhounds and other sight hound breeds to improve their speed. Around the same time, others in the Central and Southern regions, bred their Rat Terriers to Beagles to bring out a stronger prey drive for hunting purposes. These early crosses eventually gave the breed its speed and “nose”, as well as the good disposition they are known for today.

The name “Rat Terrier” is attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt. During a trip to the Grand Canyon, Roosevelt was given a terrier of questionable breeding named “Skip”. Skip resided in the White House, where he and his offspring promptly exterminated the many thousands of rats that infested the White House and grounds. It is believed that T.R. coined up the name “Rat Terrier” in honor of Skip and his progeny.

As recently as 1994, the Rat Terrier did not have a written breed standard. It was usually considered to be a strain of Smooth Fox Terrier and sometimes was even referred to by some as being a “Fox Terrier”. Plagued by the lack of knowledge of the breed, and without a written standard, the Rat Terrier was not considered a true “breed” in the eyes of most recognized dog registries.

The charter members of the Rat Terrier Club of America (RTCA), founded in 1995, worked to draft a standard that would correctly define and promote the breed as it is today. By interviewing many hundreds of breeders, fanciers and judges and by using numerous questionnaires and breed surveys, the breed was defined and a nationwide standard finally written. Most reputable breeders now select and breed Rat Terrier to Rat Terrier with this written Standard used as their breeding goal.

In 2004, the RTCA submitted over a thousand 3 generation Rat Terrier pedigrees to the American Kennel Club. Shortly thereafter, the AKC admitted the Rat Terrier into the Foundation Stock Service (FSS), and in January of 2006, Rat Terriers were finally allowed to participate in AKC sanctioned companion events (agility, obedience, lure coursing, etc).
The Rat Terrier is an intelligent, alert and loving dog that is much easier trained than most other terrier breeds. They excel in most dog sports (obedience, agility, fly ball, terrier races). Their curiosity and affection makes them an excellent companion for those who enjoy an energetic, playful dog that can turn into a regular couch potato at the drop of a hat! They are excellent with children and are tenacious watch dogs. They are territorial, can be stubborn, and for the most part, very aloof with strangers. However, they adore their “people” and must be close to them at all times, or they tend to fret. This is definitely not a “back yard” breed. They must be part of the “family” at all times to be truly happy.

They are the epitome of the “all American dog”.
Donna Key[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511652348439{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Something to Brag About

[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”https://tulsadogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/screen-shot-2017-11-26-at-12.10.23-pm.png” image_size=”large”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720004695{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]In mid-June, Cheri and I traveled with Donna Key and Eddie and Chris Hatchett and Zoe to the UKC Premier in Kalamazoo, Michigan to compete in the 2005 All Stars Invitational and the Premier agility trials. It was a wonderful trip – we had a great time. We ended up with a second, a third and a fourth place, averaging 17 seconds under course time on our clean runs. There was a large number of dogs entered – usually we had 20-35 dogs running in our height division in AGI and II. Many of the dogs were also 2005 All-Stars, and quite a few of them were speedy little demons! I am proud of Cheri – of the 13 runs that we did, she qualified on 9 of them, and 7 of those were 200’s. We had a perfect day with all 200’s on the last day of the trials, and we got another leg toward our UACHX—one more leg to go! What made me the happiest is that it appears that the old Cheri is back, after months of seeming depressed and distracted. It is so good to see her happy again, and running like she used to run before we lost Celene.

I am very blessed to have been in the company of such great people and their dogs at our first Premier – Zoe and Eddie also did very well, but I’ll let their “parents” brag on them—and there is a lot for them to brag about!! Tulsa was definitely well-represented at the Premier agility events.

Kenzie remained in Tulsa with a petsitter during our trip to the Premier. One of her favorite things to do is to pester Zoe, and she really didn’t need to go with us anyway. Kenzie graduated from Beginning Obedience in early June, with the most entertaining recall and the highest score on the test in our class. Also, on June 25, Kenzie won second place (her first ribbon) in UKC Pre-Novice Obedience at our trials. Thanks to Donna Key and Larry Scott for being such good teachers. I am very proud of Kenzie. Even though she is still pretty immature at 14 months, she has done well. She is just full of joy and I am having a great time training her.

Jane Tyson[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][mk_image src=”https://tulsadogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/screen-shot-2017-11-26-at-12.13.55-pm.png” image_size=”large”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720052078{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Zoe and I did well at the UKC Premier and All-Stars Invitational in June, 2006. It was a long drive but lots of fun with Donna and Jane (and of course, Eddie and Cheri). The first day was a local trial and gave us time to warm up for Friday’s All-Star competition. We ended up first in Agility III in the All-Stars, high in division 2 in Agility I and second in division 2 in Agility II so I guess it was worth the 2000 miles to get there and back! The premier weekend was good to all three dogs and handlers with several 200’s and blue ribbons. Now, back to concentrating on that MACH!

Chris Hatchett[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720183624{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

A Stanfield Update

UKC Trial Hutchinson, Kansas

Susie Stanfield
AGI Trial 1 – 199 3rd Trial 2 – 199 2nd
AGII Trial 1 – 200 1st Trial 2 – 200 2nd AGIII Trial 2 – 200 2nd
AGI Trial 1 – 200 1st AGII Trial 1 – 199 2nd AGIII Trial 1 – 199 3rd

Shadow Stanfield
AGI Trial 1 – 187.12 Trial 2 – 200 2nd
AGI Trial 1 – 200 4th
Trial 2 – 192.80 AGII Trial 2 – 200 4th
High Combined

AGIII[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][mk_image src=”https://tulsadogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/screen-shot-2017-11-26-at-12.16.40-pm.png” image_size=”large”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720268456{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Casey (Long Coat Chihuahua) celebrated his upcoming 4th birthday a couple days early by finishing his UCD, earning his 3rd leg and a bonus leg and 4th place at TDTC’s UKC Obedience Trial on Saturday, June 24, 2006.

In addition, he recently accumulated 28 additional points toward his UACH at the Hutchinson KC UKC Agility Trials June 10 & 11, 2006.

Barbara Jeleski[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][mk_page_section][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720369974{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Canine-Human Interaction Suggestions

(which have been strongly recommended by Winnie & Maureen Kelly)

Recently we have had a test week, a Canine Good Citizen Test, an agility test and a UKC Obedience trial at the building and are planning another one on August 5 and 6.
There is a no cell phone policy in the building, which suddenly is ignored at test weeks and trials. The ring of your phone with your other half asking which brand of cereal you need may have just cost someone a leg, never mind a strong lack of self-esteem. I believe that these phones can easily store to message so you can then take it outside, or may at least be kept on vibrate if you’re expecting life or death news.

If our test nights were treated as trials, with no gathering at the stewards tables, no loud talking, and no playing ball or agility in the building it would be much appreciated.
If your dog needs to be warmed up, please use the instructor’s training ring which is expanded into a full training ring for UKC Trials.

Please treat these situations as if your own skittish dog were on the other end of the lead, trying really hard to get a leg.

Don’t be the guy whose tires are in danger of being chewed.

And if you sign up to help at a trial, please make sure that you show or at least call in time for us to strong-arm replacements. Those of you who fall into this category are well known.

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In Memoriam

[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”https://tulsadogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/screen-shot-2017-11-26-at-12.22.29-pm.png” image_size=”large”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720625014{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]UCDX Sir Lancelot Sanders, CDX, CGC
October 29 ,1997 to May 13, 2006

We lost our beloved companion Lance to leukemia, after only two weeks of illness. Lance never met a human or animal that he didn’t like. He probably never would have gotten a 200 in the obedience ring, but his success with making friends was a perfect score. He had a fan club in Okmulgee (Okmulgee Humane Society events), Tulsa (Paw Pals), and OSU Vet. Hospital in the end. We feel blessed to have lived with such a loyal and lovable companion. Lance will be missed more than we can ever express.

Mary Sanders[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][mk_image src=”https://tulsadogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/screen-shot-2017-11-26-at-12.23.52-pm.png” image_size=”large”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720683854{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Andy Griffith

Our sympathy to Julie Griffith (and Kipper and Chloe) on the recent loss of her beloved Schnauzer “Andy Griffith”. Andy was a retired Paw Pals dog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1511720737278{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Agility Seminar with Joan Meyer

Joan began competing in agility in 1993. She is nationally known for the wide variety of breeds and number of dogs that she handles. With over 300 agility titles on dogs ranging from the 8” class to the 30” class, from the herding, sporting, terrier, non sporting, toy and hound groups, she has had the experience to work with all breeds and sizes of dogs in the sport.

Joan is a two time member of the USA/AKC Agility World Team. She is also an agility judge for AKC. She has competed in the National Dog Agility Championships in USDAA annually since 1994, making it to the finals in 16″ and 20″ divisions. She has also competed in every AKC Agility Championship, finishing in the top ten of the 20″ and 24″ divisions over the years. “I love working with all breeds and all people at all levels. Not all dogs and all people can be trained to do the same things. Everyone has potential of being a great team with the dog they own.”

The intermediate and advanced slots are limited to 14 teams. The advanced slot teams need to be showing at the AKC Open/Excellent level or its equivalent in another venue. Intermediate slots are teams working at the AKC Novice level or its equivalent in another venue. One working dog per advanced or intermediate slot. The advanced teams will work in the morning and the intermediate teams in the afternoon. You will be expected to audit the session you are not in and help with set-ups, changing jump heights, etc. Auditors (no dogs) have no limit on their experience level and can audit all sessions. Please bring note taking materials, a comfortable chair, and a crate and essentials for your dog. Seminar times: 8:30am–11:30am Advanced teams, 1:00pm–4pm Intermediate teams. Light breakfast items, and soda/water will be available on site for participants. There will be a 1 1⁄2 hour lunch break, with numerous fast food sites close to the seminar site.

Cost: Working Advanced or Intermediate Seminar Participant (limited to 14 teams in advanced and 14 teams in intermediate – 1 dog per team) $150 TDTC Members – $200 non-members. Auditor only (unlimited auditors) – $75 TDTC Members— $100 non-members. Special rates for TDTC instructors (contact Donna Key, ratsnwings@yahoo.com for rates).
A non-refundable $75 deposit will secure a slot. Please complete form below and submit with your deposit by August 30 to: Donna Key, 2635 S. Richmond, Tulsa, OK 74114. Full payment is required by Sept. 15, 2006.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]